SCP Foundation DB nn5n - SCP基金会是一个有关于各种超自然现象、个体、地点等等的系列作品。这个App为非官方的SCP基金会离线数据库,让你可以不用联网就能阅读其中的内容。 特点: - 3种语言:中文,英文,日文; - 菜单中包含“上一条”,“随机物品”, “下一条” 等按钮; - 正常/夜间两种阅读模式; - 可以收藏自己喜欢的物品; - 超过3000页的可阅读物品; - 3D Touch; 当你点击“随机物品”按钮的时候,你将打开一个随机的SCP物品页面. 注意 ! SCP基金会只是集体创作的小说!并不是真实存在的。但如果你是个胆小的人请不要安装此App以及不要阅读其中的文字。 我开始接触“SCP基金会”这个系列是在2012年的夏天,其中的内容一下就把我迷住了!但是由于当时的网络原因经常不能顺利阅读,这样我萌生了制作这个App的想法,目的就是让人们可以随时随地不受限制的阅读其中的内容。 来自官方的 FAQ: What is the Foundation? We are the last bastion of security in a world where natural laws rapidly break down. We are here to protect humanity from the things that go bump in the night, from people who wield power beyond mortal understanding. We are here to make the world a safer place. We are the holders of wonders, and the crafters of dreams. We are why the world continues. In the short form, were a creative writing site, devoted towards horror. What does SCP stand for? "Special Containment Procedures". We generally go with "the Foundation". It also stands for the site motto: "Secure. Contain. Protect." Original wiki project you can find here: Chinese branch: Japanese branch: This application is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License: