古有颜真卿以黃土掃墻,歐陽修蘆荻代筆畫地學書;而今我們用iPhone練習書法! 如同真實的書寫,控制筆畫需要借鑑演示,耐心練習。用逆鋒慢速入筆,可以寫出較粗的筆道。加速移動并適時脫離,可寫出漂亮筆鋒。 - 以手指移動速度、加速度和壓力改變筆道寬度。 - 每個字都有書寫演示,顯示軌跡。 - 自动评分。 - 《顏勤禮碑》原碑欣賞。 - 可在米字格,九宮格和無格中切換。 - 可存儲所寫,并且可以改變大小和排列成為作品。 - 印章製作和嵌入。 另,此作亦有iPad版本。 其他系列作品還包括《臨帖之柳體楷書》《集王羲之書聖教序》《標準草書》《草書連連看》。 iLintie (YanQinLiBei) for iPhone Use the iPhone to simulate the ancient artistic Chinese calligraphy practice. - The stroke width is controlled by the speed, acceleration and pressure of the finger. - 400 characters from the YanQinLiBei of the Tang Dynasty. - Demo of each character. - Can toggle the frame between Mizi, Jiugong and no frame. - Able to save your writings, select them, scale and position on a background. - There are preloaded background images available; or you can choose your own image as the background to present your saved writings. - The final work can be shared.