Albums & Content for All Fans! weverse albums Enjoy weverse albums, a platform album service you can enjoy anywhere, anytime! ㅁ Introducing the Service 1. Platform albums are a cool way to enjoy music. weverse albums service introduces a new concept of albums, with simplified designs and elements. 2. Simple QR Scan After purchasing the album, simply scan the QR code to add the album to the platform and enjoy the music! 3. Photobook (Media) No more printed photobooks! Now you can save the digital images on your device and enjoy them whenever you want to! 4. Photocards A digital collect book in my hand! Collecting and managing digital photocards become easier on the weverse albums app! 5. Covers in Motion weverse albums, its one of a kind! Check out the motion covers of your favorite artists albums! ㅁ 100% of the album sales of weverse albums will count for Hanteo Chart and Circle Chart.