Welcome to RainMap, the quick and easy way to view rain radar images from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology on an interactive map. Simply choose a radar location and the map will take you there or tap the crosshairs to jump to right your nearest radar. Watch the latest rain radar images animating on top of the map. Pinch to zoom in and out or pan around to see the exact area you are interested in. You can even use RainMap to check for rain at your home or office, or to plan your commute to avoid the heavy storm which is approaching. Key Features: - Tap the crosshairs button to jump to your nearest radar and show your current location - Pinch and pan the interactive map to control the detail level of the rain radar images - Use the radius controls to quickly jump to a specific radar zoom level from 512km down to 64km (where available). - Pause the rain animation and step backwards or forwards to see frame by frame radar images - Adjust the opacity of radar image layers or turn them off completely - Quickly view and interact with your radar in the Today Extension More exciting features coming soon… 3AVDJRG