Develop your child’s creativity! Select a genre and color palette, draw with color, create music with colors and shapes. Bubl Draw is a tool for drawing with music, developing perception of links between color, sound and shape. Key features: - Draw with music: Bubl Draw creates unique music from every childs painting - Art for children: Bubl Draw develops your child’s creativity - Unique experience: Bubl Draw expands your child’s sensorial range - A communication tool: Bubl Draw is created for shared discoveries. It’s fun for both children and parents. Bubl is a series of new generation apps, aimed at your child’s development. We create interactive digital art for children. Check out our other apps: Talking Faces by Bubl: Learn Professions and Emotions! Bubl Ice Cream - worlds first musical ice cream! Bubl ABC - a new way to learn the ABC: every letter is part of a song! Bubl Tap - interactive exploratory space for children and parents.