True loan calculator is your reliable assistant in calculation of your loan payments. The application easily calculates your loan payments taking into account any changes in the interest rate and early repayments. This is one of those applications that should be always ready at hand. If you repay a loan or want to raise a mortgage or a car loan, the application will help you to answer the following important questions: ✔ How much do you overpay to your bank with the interest payments? ✔ What is your monthly loan repayment amount? ✔ How much can you save making an early repayment of your loan or its part? ✔ When will you complete repaying your loan if you make early repayments? The main application features: ✔ CALCULATION OF ANY TYPE OF LOANS The application can be used to make calculations for a car loan, a consumer loan and a student’s loan as well as a mortgage. There is an option to choose among two types of payments for the mortgages: annuity or graduated payments. ✔ CONVENIENT PAYMENT SCHEDULE You can easily determine holidays in the schedule. You can clarify how much and when you must pay. The schedule can also show you how early repayments and changes in the interest rate of your loan influence the monthly payment amount. ✔ EARLY REPAYMENTS AND CHANGES IN THE INTEREST RATE The application lets you take into account all early repayments and changes in the interest rate of your loan. You will always be aware of the next payment and what it will be if you make a specific early repayment of the loan. ✔ CALCULATION OF EARLY REPAYMENT BENEFITS The application calculates how much you’ve saved after each early repayment. ✔ KEEPING RECORDS FOR NUMEROUS LOANS The application will allow you to store information related to all your loans, upload the one that you need to process and look through the saved loan. ✔ USER-FRIENDLY INTERFACE AND ACCURATE CALCULATIONS The application differs from its peers with a user-friendly, bright and intuitive user interface. The accuracy of its calculations was checked by specialists of the leading banks. Please send your comments and ideas to [email protected] and we will answer you by all means.