Calculate times of sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset and more for your location at any given date. The following data is calculated: - Sunrise - Solar noon - Sunset - Day length - Equation of time - Declination - Civil twilight (Dawn/Dusk) - Nautical twilight (Dawn/Dusk) - Astronomical twilight (Dawn/Dusk) - Azimuth at sunrise and sunset - Altitude during solar noon - Sun track - Date and time of Seasons (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter) - Solstice and Equinox dates - Moonrise - Moon transit - Moonset - Moon phase - Distance - Declination - Date and time of next new moon - Date and time of next full moon - Azimuth at moonrise and moonset - Altitude during moon transit - Moon track Some information for the current day can also be viewed in the notification center. Select any date between January 1st, 1901 and December 31st, 2099. To specify the location of interest either get the position from the built-in GPS or Wifi receiver or select a city from a database with over 30,000 cities in over 200 countries.