150+ tools and decoding tables to help you solve mystery- and multi-caches and make navigational computations, conversions, decodings and text analyses. The number of tools will grow depending your input, so mail us to suggest/request a new tool or decoding table! * No additional in-app purchases required * No additional charge for features/tools that will be added in future versions. GCTK features: CONVERSIONS Base64/Binary/Decimal/Hex to ASCII Binary/Decimal/Hex/Octal conversions Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin D°MS" conversions Distances Roman numbers NAVIGATION 2 WPs + 2 bearings = new WP 2 WPs + 2 distances = 2 new WPs (Intersections of 2 circles) 3 WPs + 3 distances = new WP (Intersection of 3 circles) Centroid & surface of triangle Centroid of circle through any 3 WPs Coordinatesystem conversions (3800+ systems!) Crossing lines Distance, bearing, middle of 2 WPs Project a new WP WP/Bearing + WP/Distance = new WP DECODING: TABLES Alphabet, Gernreich Alphabet, Latin ASCII Baal horizontal Baal diagonal Bacon Brahmi Chappe Futurama Hexahue HVD code Illuminati cypher Mayan numerical coding Periodical system Pigpen cyphers (3 x) Resistor colorcodes Sign language Signal flags: maritime Signal flags: NATO Signal flags: semaphore Web- & WingDings - and approximately 90 more... DECODING: INTERACTIVE Braille ROT-5/13/47 rotation Cellphone keypad (char to num) Cellphone keypad (num to char) Morse Signlanguage Vigenère NUMBERS Prime numbers Fibonacci numbers Pi (decimals) e (decimals) TEXT Frequency analyses a=1, b=2, a=26, b=25, etc Count characters Count words Hint decrypting OTHER Sudoku solver QR code scanner Barcode scanner UPCOMING FEATURES: - more and other tools depending your input!