Having trouble reading the small print again? No problem! You can now have your personal pocket-sized magnifying glass for reading and viewing - handy and ready-to-use at all times! Up to 10-times zoom and with an integrated light, it makes it easy and comfortable for you to see even in poor lighting conditions. Please note the mode of operation: The magnifying glass uses your cell phones integrated camera. Hold it at least 5cm away from the object you want to enlarge and allow the camera to focus on it first (image is brought into focus). Then slowly move the slide switch to enlarge. If the camera does not focus properly, please increase the distance to the object and make a control for the automatic focus (focus not locked) and lighting conditions. Click once for full screen view and then once more for normal. In the full screen view, you can even zoom by spreading the image with your fingers. Clicking the red button will create a snapshot of the zoomed image. It is then saved to your photo album. Tip: No fast movements!