Want you to know why at the end of month you have run out of money without buying anything useful? Want you the best way to organize your finances? Want you to help save some money for buy a new house, a new car or one you like? Or simply want to keep your personal accounts, work and home under control? iDindi is the application for you! iDindi can help you track your income and your outputs so easy to help manage the progress of your transactions with the help of statistics and charts for each category. iDindi is also able to export to Excel! And in next versions still many good ideas! Buy Now! Start saving money with iDindi 5! + The best application of this type! Simple, fast and easy! Just bought it but promises very well! I bought other applications to keep my accounts, but all too complicated! With some even need to read the guide first ... with iDindi I immediately at easy. OgniVolta + Unique Simple and useful. The absolute number 1 in the class! Safe to buy, the price is right. Leghorn doc + Excellent Useful program for who have "problems to make ends meet" without knowing what were the revenues and expenditures. Very intuitive, value alle money... Alessandro