Say hello to 55,000 beauty products, or: - Follow inspiring Lyko Social accounts - Check out looks and clever beauty hacks - Share pictures, videos, and hot tips - Find likeminded users and get followers - Scroll through all things hair, skin, makeup, fragrance - Read reviews - Rate and review products - Save your favorites - Chat with customer service - Get member perks - Win goodie bags and stuff - Read about trends (or start your own) Note! This app is guaranteed to be free of inhibitions = no don’ts, only do’s. So, let loose in front of the mirror: Try a braid, a bob cut, or no hair at all. Switch it up with French, glazed, ombre, and somewhat chipped manicure – all at once. Fake freckles, mascara clumps, bleached-out brows. Fragrance for him for her, and fragrance for her for him – or all in on your natural scent. Learn “the perfect skincare routine” – just to break the rules. Every way is okay – and we’ll help you find yours. See you in the app! Hope you’ll like it. PS. This is our best app ever, no doubt… and our first! Questions? Email [email protected]