Keep track of your personal finances, always updated, hassle-free - See your UC credit score and get tips on how to improve it. Get a quick overview of your mortgages, personal loans, credits, and student loans all in one place. The information is retrieved directly from UC and updated daily. No credit checks and completely free.
Download the Kreddy app now and get started!
See your UC credit score - understand where you stand and what you can improve.
Your credit score is retrieved directly from UC when you log in to Kreddy and is always updated. Understand what your credit score means for you and get tips and advice on how to improve it. Compare your creditworthiness with the rest of Sweden. Credit information from UC is used by most banks and credit institutions, giving you a good insight into what the bank sees. No credit checks and completely free.
Full control of your loans and credits - Everything in one place, always updated.
Your mortgages, personal loans, student loans, and credits are retrieved directly from UC when you log in to Kreddy, and the information is updated daily. UC has Swedens most comprehensive credit register, capturing most of your loans and credits. No credit checks and completely free.
Challenge expensive loans and credit costs - Consolidate your loans and credits.
In the Kreddy app, you can challenge your loan and credit costs by applying for refinancing of loans and credits via Lendo. You also have the option to apply for new loans via Lendo. Lendo is Swedens largest comparison service for personal loans, allowing you to compare up to 40 different lenders with only one credit check from UC. Free and non-binding.*
Feel secure with Lendos Safety Insurance.
The Safety Insurance serves as financial support in cases such as unemployment, sick leave, care of a close relative, and certain diagnoses.
Better protect yourself against identity theft
In Kreddy, you can choose to sign up for ID Protection from UC. ID protection is a service that protects your personal information and helps you if you have been a victim of identity theft. The service provides you with monitoring of activities related to your identity in the app, such as credit checks, making it easier for you to detect any potential fraud attempts. It is an optional subscription service that is signed via your Apple account.
Download the Kreddy app now and get started!
*Example: An annuity loan for 12 years. Effective annual interest rate 6.98%. A loan of 200,000 SEK will cost 2,032 SEK/month (144 payments), i.e., a total of 292,653 SEK. No start/notification fee. 6.77% nominal interest (variable rate, set individually based on your circumstances). The application will be sent to the lenders that best match your profile, updated 2023-10-06. Repayment period 1-15 years. The maximum interest rate is 33.75%. Interest range between 4.70%-33.75%.
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