Find out how much money you spend on car operation, the program calculates total expenses for gasoline, car wash, parking, windscreen wiper and visiting service center. Easy statistics. Beautiful pictorial diagrams and handy tables will make it easy to estimate all your expenses for the car. In addition, you can keep statistics of several cars at once! Reminder function. The application will remind you of the necessity to change oil, brake pads, air filter at specific time intervals. Photocheck function. You don’t have enough time to enter the data into the application? You can always take a photo of the check or the filling station and to enter the data right here, in the application, later. Do you want to know the cost of driving 1 km? Do you want to know how much on average you drive from one filling station to another? Do you want to know how often you have your car washed? Using the application AutoStat you can get this and many other statistics easily.