LibriVox Audio Books Pro provides unlimited access to over 40,000 audiobooks - with no ads. Each audiobook can be streamed over the internet or downloaded for later use. Audiobooks from LibriVox are free thanks to the dedicated work of hundreds of volunteers who record, edit and distribute the books. New releases are prepared daily, and the entire catalog spans the breadth of world literature, including novels, history, biography, short stories, poetry and more in both fiction and non-fiction. The LibriVox Audio Books app makes it easy to search for audio books and classic radio dramas. You can browse by title, author or genre, look at new recordings, or search by keyword. Because the books are free, you can listen to as much or as little of a book as you like with no cost. The app remembers your position, so when you return to a book later, you can start listening at the place where you left off. Unlimited bookmarks and a sleep timer are included for your convenience. To see the LibriVox catalog on the web, visit