EASA OPS Rules for Flight Time Limitations (FTL) are valid since 18.02.2016. EASA FTL Calc helps you to calculate - cockpit and cabin limits - actual and maximum flight duty periods (FDP) - latest on-block times - duty periods (DP) - actual and minimum rest times - state of acclimatization - commanders discretion - disruptive schedules - required local nights at your home base - extended recovery rest periods - cumulative duties for 7/14/28 days It considers - standby and airport standby - extension of cabin FDP due to earlier reporting time - delayed reporting - in-flight rest for cockpit and cabin (different rules) - split duty - extension - positioning - time zone differences - company minimum rest times - your home base - "back to back" operation You dont have to know time zones - simply select an airport from the database - time zone is determined by airport and date - select only reporting airport of first duty day - and the resting airport per duty day - next reporting airport will be your last resting airport - your home base will be known (preferences) Its not a flight log - you dont have to enter every single block time - no management of block times and their cumulative limits - however imported flights can be shown for information Cabin and cockpit limits - may have different reporting times - in-flight rest is different - are calculated independently Rotations - are stored automatically - are shown in an own table - with FDPs and rest times overview - for cockpit and cabin - on iPad in a split view XML Import - Rosters of BA only Roster Buster Import - direct import - calendar import Direct App Import - MyRoster for crew by Lumabyte - RosterworX - NASImport Calendar Import