View weather conditions in your neighborhood, or even right in your own backyard! Weather readings and charts are displayed for stations in the Weather Underground personal weather station network, which encompasses over a quarter million weather stations around the world. Quickly find stations near your current location, or search locations around the world and store them in your Favorites for easy viewing. Current and high/low weather data for temperature, dewpoint, barometric pressure, humidity, wind, rain, solar radiation, and UV Index are visible for multiple stations. Charts for the current day or last 7 days are available. Data displayed: * Temperature: Current, High/Low * Wind Chill * Heat Index ("Feels Like" temperature) * Dewpoint: Current, High/Low * Humidity: Current, High/Low * Wind Speed: Direction, Current, High * Wind Gust: Current, High * Pressure: Current, High/Low * Rain: Todays Total, Rainfall Rate * Solar Radiation: Current, High * UV Index: Current, High Charts for current day or last 7 days (7-day charts show high/low stats for each day): * Temperature * Dew Point * Humidity * Barometric Pressure * Wind Speed * Wind Gust * Wind Direction * Rainfall Rate and Cumulative * Solar Radiation * UV Index Terms of Use: