TU Zdrowie application is a mobile version of the Insured Person’s Platform (Panel Ubezpieczonego) A tool to manage your health insurance comprehensively - easy and intuitive app - accessible from any location 24/7 - enables use of services provided by TU Zdrowie insurance - guarantees safety of your data - includes all functionalities available in the Insured Person’s Platform - available in Polish and English version In TU Zdrowie application on smartphone or tablet you are able to: - make an appointment and cancel an e-consultation - make an appointment and cancel a doctor’s visit via online schedule - make a medical appointment by sendin a service request form - search for a medical facility in your vicinity - check the scope of your insurance - submit a reimbursement application and check its status - choose TU Zdrowie insurance package you want to use if you have more than one - submit a complaint - create an account for the insured child - give consent to the processing of your personal data in order to use your insurance package