Easily & quickly convert US (United States) units to SI (International System of Units), or vice versa, wherever you are with full offline functionality. Create custom conversion calculators or use one of 300+ pre-loaded into the app. LAB ALPHA - HIGHLIGHTS • Offline functionality • Accurate conversions between US and SI medical units • Over 300 preset conversion calculators • Create your own custom converters • Easily search through & find recently used calculators • Create a list of favourites QUICK CONVERSIONS When reading scientific journals, many scientists struggle to convert between imperial American units and International System of Units. With so many values, converting them mentally can be a challenge. With Lab Alpha, you can quickly convert any medical unit using your smartphone, so you can get back to reading. OVER 300 CONVERSION CALCULATORS We’ve loaded the app up with over 300 ready-to-go medical unit converters. Quickly search through all the calculators to find the one you need, or create custom converters and save them to use whenever you need. Lab alpha is the simplest and most accurate way to convert the units of most common laboratory tests and drugs. Easily read any PubMed indexed journal such as NEJM, JAMA, The Lancet, Science, Nature and many more, no matter where in the world you are. FOR THE MOST ACCURATE MEDICAL UNIT CONVERSIONS – DOWNLOAD LAB ALPHA TODAY! For educational purposes only. Please read the disclaimer before use.