ESO PRICE CHECKER Buying or Selling at Guild Traders? This is the tool you need. CHECK THE CURRENT MARKET PRICE OF ITEMS Know the current average price, lowest and highest price that items are selling for whenever you need. CHECK THE HISTORICAL DATA Know if the item price is rising or crashing with data from the past 14 days. FIND THE TRENDS Know if a certain item increases price over the weekend, or maybe during the mid-week slump. LOOKING FOR A DIFFERENT VERSION OF THE ITEM Know the price of all related items with different traits and qualities that are on the current market. TRACK YOUR FAVOURITE ITEMS Know the price of the items you care about at a glance, just add them to your watch list. PLEASE BE AWARE THESE PRICES ARE ONLY REFLECTIVE OF THE PC/MAC SERVERS AND REQUIRES AN INTERNET CONNECTION TO SEARCH ITEMS AND RETRIEVE PRICING! We hope you enjoy and please leave a review!! Follow us on twitter or discord @WoelerGaming & @wispsilver to keep up to date with all the latest news. This is an unofficial application with no affiliations to ZeniMax or Bethesda.