If you just want to know how much money you are spending. This is the only right app for you! 5coins is a simple app for tracking your daily expenses. Unlike other apps available at the store. 5coins only focuses on your daily expenses which means there are no over-weighted features like budgets, multiple accounts, charts/reports etc. I believe simplicity makes life easier! Some highlights: 1. iCloud Support 2. Super easy user interface, no learning required. 3. Intuitive expenses calendar shows your expense trends through all time. 4. Add expense just by typing number. 5. The beautiful timeline lets you change the time of each expense item with enjoyment. 6. Works best in iOS7 and above **IMPORTANT** 5coins depends on iCloud. Please make sure you are logged in using correct iCloud account. If you are running iOS8, make sure your iCloud Drive is enabled. Otherwise you WILL NOT see your data and they are not erased.