Zello is the #1 digital two way radio app with over 150 million users in over 200 countries. Frontline workers, teams, and communities stay connected, safe, and productive. Zello turns your phone into a walkie talkie that works anywhere in the world as long as you are connected to the internet! Drivers, taxi and delivery dispatchers, construction workers, enterprise fleet managers, retail associates and hotel staff love using Zello to locate their team members, communicate critical information, and get work done. Zello has even replaced 2-way radios at these jobs, eliminating cross-talk, extending communication range, and taking advantage of already deployed smartphones and tablets. Millions more use Zello instead of texting or calling: for private chats with a friend, for a live group call with your family, to coordinate routes on a hiking adventure, or to set up a soccer practice. • Talk with free live voice over any carrier or Wi-Fi connection in crystal clear quality • Organize communication in channels of up 6000 users • Send photos, text, or location to coworkers or friends instantly • Replay messages later • Use with countless compatible devices and push-to-talk accessories - even radios • See who’s available or busy • Free with no ads • #1 choice of companies like Hilton, Honda, and YRC Freight