Submission grappling, or no gi jiu jitsu, is a timeless expression of the art. In this stunning app, Roy Dean explains the techniques and strategies that make all the difference for beginning and intermediate players. 12 private lessons are featured, plus live rolling footage and analysis. This is a large app, designed for multiple viewings. Chapters include: Welcome Essential Movements Essential Grips Takedowns Armdrag Kimura Guillotine Guard Options Mount Options Sidemount Escapes Opening the Guard Leglock Techniques Leg Combinations No Gi Essentials Rolling Analysis “The more you improve, the more you’ll get out of No Gi Essentials. It is quite possibly Roy Dean’s best DVD to date, an impressive achievement considering the high standard he has set in the past.” -Can Sonmez “If you want smaller details on making your armbar better, tightening your footlocks, or even a few more ideas than you already have, this is a bargain. Consider it the most well thought out 2hr private lesson on no gi grappling you’ll ever get, at one quarter the price!” -Paul Pedrazzi Norcal BJJ Roy Dean holds black belts in several arts, including Judo, Aikido, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He is renown for his clear instruction and precise technique.