Vaisala RoadDSS Road Condition displays weather and surface observations from Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS) connected to the Vaisala RoadDSS Data Service. Users have access to the following: - Atmospheric and Surface observations from Road Weather Stations (RWS) presented via a GIS based map - RWIS locations color-coded on the map based on surface conditions or surface temperatures - Camera images from Road Weather Stations - Weather observations reported from airports (METARs) - Historical graphs displaying air temperatures, dew point temperatures, and surface temperatures for the last 24-hours for all RWIS locations. - The proximity of lightning to Road Weather Stations; powered by Vaisalas North American Lightning Detection Network (NALDN) and Vaisalas Global Lightning Dataset (GLD360) - Weather Radar data and animation - A user’s current location can be displayed on the map - Drive Mode allows a user to auto-pan the map keeping the user’s current location centered on the display - Push notifications informing users of winter surface conditions - Data filtering based on selected observation criteria - Weather Outlook forecasts providing the forecasted high and low air temperature along with a weather summary icon covering each of the next three days for each RWIS and METAR location - On demand data refresh The app works in conjunction with the Vaisala RoadDSS Data Service.