"Jet Fueling" can be used by anyone involved in the process of refueling an Aircraft, and/or determining Payload in regards to Bloc Fuel and vice-versa. The first tab: "LIMITATIONS" allows to fine-tune available paylod versus desired Bloc Fuel and vice-versa... Desired bloc fuel is computed on this tab. The second tab: "REFUEL", helps compute the quantity needed to be uplifted (in Liters, US Gallons or ImpG) taking into account: - The desired quantity upon departure (Bloc), - The remaining fuel on board at the time of the computation (FOB –Fuel On Board -), - The fuel consumption of an APU or other power unit until departure, - And of course Fuel density (specific gravity for the purists). It also allows for some basic conversions (ex: USg to Lbs, L to kg etc…) as well as specific gravity conversions. On both these tabs, a basic calculator can be summoned by a swipe gesture. It is dismissed in the same way.