Birders Nearby is a Social NetworkIng App exclusively for Birders. While using the app you will be able to discover, in real-time, the birds that are being seen and nearby, with directions to the exact location of a target bird. You will be able to communicate with birders nearby as well and enjoy birding in a new and fun way. - Find Birders Nearby posts of bird sightings in your region in the list and map mode - Find eBird observations posted in your region in list and map mode - Filter by Birders Nearby sightings, or eBird Observations - Navigate to sightings and observations - Search for specific species of birds - Search for Birders Nearby sightings and eBird observations by locality - See details of bird sightings such as user-uploaded photos, number of birds seen, and location of the sighting - Comment, verify sightings by others - Post your own sightings, with a species name, location, a description, numbers seen, as well as up to five photos - Bookmark Birders Nearby posts by other users - View your own posts and bookmarked posts in Profile Tab