A Dance of Fire and Ice is a strict one-button rhythm game. Keep your focus as you guide two orbiting planets down a path without breaking their perfect equilibrium. Its pretty hard to describe, but you should play the free online version on a desktop computer first if you are not sure if you would enjoy this game! Features: - More than 20 worlds, each introducing new shapes and rhythms. What do triangles, octagons or squares sound like? Each world starts with small tutorial stages and ends with a final test. - Post-game challenges: Speed Trials for each world and a blisteringly fast bonus level for the brave. - Calibration options: auto-calibration and manual calibration. This is a precise rhythm game, so use your ears more than your eyes when playing. - Play new levels for free: more levels will be added over the coming months. WARNING: This is a hard rhythm game. Not in the sense of note-spamming - for the most part all you have to do is keep a consistent beat - but this is a good test of whether you would be a good drummer. Keeping a beat is not very easy, and then weird breakbeats are added on top of that, so dont worry if you find it difficult!