Mocha Telnet provides access to a Linux/UNIX Telnet Server. Using your iPhone or iPad, you can connect to a Telnet Server and run applications in a VT220 Terminal window. Exactly as you would, if you were sitting at your system console, just on a smaller screen. Before buying, please try our free Lite version. FEATURES - Supports all standard VT220 emulation features. - Alternate screen size (24x80 or 24x132). - SSH2 and telnet protocol. - Zoom and scroll as the Safari browser. - Landscape mode. - OPTICON 200X barcode scanner. - Support for Zebra RFD8500, CS4070 and LI3678 barcode scanner. - Linea barcode scanner and card reader. - SocketMobile S700 and series 7 hardware scanner - Camera as barcode scanner. - Can handle different Host configurations. - Auto login. - Auto connect. - Pop up keyboard. - Text Macro support. - Clipboard support. - User defined key values. - Colors can be customized.