Marc Edmund Jones created the Sabian Symbols with the assistance of the clairvoyant Elsie Wheeler in 1925. Each symbol corresponds to a particular degree on the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac. Sabian Symbols lists all of the 360 symbols, 30 for each of the 12 zodiacal signs. Each symbol is a textual interpretation of the message received. In addition, you are able to look up your birthday (month / day) and see which of the particular Sabian Symbols is highlighted for that day. Each day of the year corresponds directly to 3 specific symbols, which you may then cross-reference at your leisure. No intenret connection is required and the full list of original symbols in contained. In addition, some existing references have the birthday tables in error within the sign of Capricorn - Sabian Symbols corrects this error and gives you a correct interpretation of birthdays. If youre interested in astrology and symbolism you may also be interested in one of our similar apps - Mansions of the Moon.