Trustworthy guidance when a short-but-sweet response is required. Perfect, simple answers. Fairies are ethereal spirits that appear in many cultures. Enchanting and sometimes mischievous, these supernatural creatures have magical powers.The guardian fairies in this Oracle deck use their wisdom and magic to help and guide you, bringing messages and answers from the fairy realm. Your guardian fairies can help you connect with your own inner wisdom and their messages on these cards can magnify your natural intuitive abilities to navigate the landscape of life. From opportunities to challenges, your guardian fairies will help you understand, clarify or see your situation or question in an insightful and helpful way. Conduct readings with this 48-card deck; if you’re navigating through a confusing situation, these cards will yield straightforward answers to give you the clarity you’re seeking. FEATURES: - Give readings anywhere, anytime on your iOS device - Choose between different spreads and readings - Save your readings to review at any time - Email Readings to friends - Review the entire deck of cards in Browse mode - Flip cards over to read each message - Learn more from the complete guidebook