Welcome to Germany’s best e-mobility provider! EnBW mobility+ is the smart all-in-one solution for your e-mobility. Our Electric Vehicle (EV) copilot offers three functions in one app: 1. Easily find charging stations nearby 2. Charge your EV via App, charging card or AutoCharge 3. Simple payment process Everywhere. Always charging stations nearby. Find the nearest charging stations in your area. It doesn’t matter if your EV trip leads you to Germany, Austria, Switzerland or other neighboring countries in Europe – with the EnBW mobility+ App you can easily find the next charging station in our widespread charging network. Thanks to a multitude of EnBW chargers and roaming partners you can reliably reach any destination with your EV. Our interactive map makes it easy for you to find free charging stations for electric cars in your area. With Carplay, the EnBW mobility+ app can be connected to the display in your car. This makes finding the nearest charging station even easier. Simple. Charge and pay. With the EnBW mobility+ App, you can conveniently start the charging process for your EV and, if you wish, pay directly via your smartphone. Basically, set up your EnBW mobility+ account and choose one of our charging tariffs. You can switch between our tariffs at any time to accommodate your needs. Now all you have to do is to select a payment method and you’re ready to go! Use the app to monitor your charging progress and stop the charge once you have enough energy for your trip. You prefer a charging card? No worries. Just order your charging card via the app. Since accessibility must also apply to e-mobility, people with disabilities can select low-barrier charging points in the app using a filter. These charging points offer extra space to easily start and stop the charging process. It’s even easier with AutoCharge! Plug, charge, drive on! With AutoCharge, your charging process at EnBW fast charging stations starts automatically. After a one-off activation in the EnBW mobility+ App, you only have to plug in the charging plug and off you go - without app or charging card. Full price transparency at any time You can always keep an eye on your charging costs and current account balance with the EnBW mobility+ app. With a price filter, you can set your individual price limit. You can view and check your monthly bills at any time in the app. Award winning. The number one App. Connect: Best E-Mobility Provider EnBW mobility+ wins once again the test as Germany’s best E-Mobility Provider and impresses in various categories. AUTO BILD: Largest charging network EnBW mobility+ offers access to the largest charging network in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The AUTO BILD charging test confirms the best charging network coverage for the third time. COMPUTER BILD: Best Charging App In COMPUTER BILD’s charging app comparison 2024, the EnBW mobility+ App takes first place thanks to its ease of use and excellent filtering functions. Help us improve and send your comments and feedback to [email protected]. Thank you for your support! Have a safe journey. The EnBW mobility+ Team P.S. Never use our app whilst driving. Always respect the traffic regulations and drive responsibly.