تطبيق حلال مزارعنا يهدف تطبيق حلال لدعم مربي المواشي والمساهمة في دعم الأمن الغذائي داخل الدولة بالاضافة الى سوق اللحوم من خلال : • توفير الذبائح وذبحها وتوصيلها للزبون (الى المنزل او المطعم او اي مكان آخر حسب رغبة المستخدم(. • توفير خدمة حجز مواعيد الذبح في مسالخ الدولة. • توفير منصة مزاد للسلالات النادرة. • تسهيل عملية نقل المواشي من العزب وذبحها في مسالخ الدولة وتسليمها للعميل في أي مكان. • توفير خدمة الطبخ من خلال التعاقد مع مجموعة من المطاعم العريقة. • توفير قسم الملحمه ليتمكن العملاء من طلب الكميه المطلوبه من اللحوم المحلية المقطعه أو الجاهزة للطبخ . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Halal Mazarana application Halal application aims to support livestock breeders and contribute to food security within the country in addition to the meat market through : • Provide sacrifices, slaughter them and deliver them to the customer (to the house, restaurant or any other place as desired by the user(. • Provide a service to book slaughter dates in the countrys slaughterhouses . • Provide an auction platform for rare breeds . • Facilitate the transfer of livestock from the estate and slaughter it in the country slaughterhouses and hand it over to the customer anywhere . • Provide cooking service by contracting with a range of prestigious restaurants . • Provide the epic section so that customers can order the required amount of local meat cut or ready for cooking . H • Provide sacrifices, slaughter them and deliver them to the customer (to the house, restaurant or any other place as desired by the user(. • Provide a service to book slaughter dates in the countrys slaughterhouses . • Provide an auction platform for rare breeds . • Facilitate the transfer of livestock from the estate and slaughter it in the country slaughterhouses and hand it over to the customer anywhere . • Provide cooking service by contracting with a range of prestigious restaurants . • Provide the epic section so that customers can order the required amount of local meat cut or ready for cooking .