Price Lists is an easy to use app using which you can submit a product or a service portfolio to your client. Price Lists app along with Work Quote, Work Estimate and Business Quote apps developed by Aspiring Investments Corp enable you to serve your customers and business better. The app includes separate worksheets for listing products, services, or products with bulk pricing. Simply enter the product name, product number, description and unit price if you sell products or service type, service code, description and service price if you sell services. For bulk pricing worksheet, you can include unit price and bulk quantity and bulk unit price is automatically calculated for you. Space is provided for entering the company name and information and contact details. Further, you can include a range of dates on your price list to indicate how long your prices will be valid. You should at least include a note about when the prices were last updated. That way, if your customer calls and mentions a specific price, you can find out what version of the price list they may be looking at. You can locally save the file and re-use it with minimal changes. Simply tap email, to send your files to clients instantly. Alternatively, you can email it to yourself. We hope you find our simple app productive and would like to hear your comments.