Real Pro Varmint Calls developed for hunting coyotes in the wild. Built to call on the go. Very simple and Flat UI that will give you quick responsive time to the scenario. It has built in tactics for different scenarios and also has very informative links hooked up to them. Calling Sequences you can set up and have all the calls in great order to attract a coyote. There is 8 different calls in the app. -Locater Call -Coyote Challenge Bark -Coyote Greeting Howl -Group Howl -Cottontail Distress Call -Hurt Coyote Pup -Jack Rabbit Distress -Woodpecker Distress There is 3 Sequence Calls *For better results and added range for the included game calls, using your device in combination with external speakers is highly recommended. **Before using the included game calls for hunting, check with your local game laws regarding electronic game calls. BUILT FOR HUNTERS BY HUNTERS HELP MAKE THIS THE BEST VARMINT CALLING APP ON THE APP STORE