(SQRoot, GCD/LCM, Prime Numbers & Square Root Invaders) 4in1 SQRoot simplifies (roots or radicals) of positive integers or decimals and displays the answers in both radical and decimal forms. It supports from the -12th root and the -12th power to the 12th root and the 12th power; finds the GCD(HCF) & LCM of 2 to 9 numbers in any order ** Maximum input value can be increased to 99999999 but input slots will be decreased to 4; checks if a number is prime or not, counts the number of prime numbers between two given numbers. Controls: 1) Swipe upwards to enter/exit GCD(HCF) & LCM screen. 2) Double tap the GCD(HCF) & LCM screen to clear all slots and results. 3) Swipe again to enter prime number screen. 4) Touch the title [SQRoot] to play Square Root Invaders