Now with optional Same Sex support Get your heart thumping a little faster with the most alluring app on the store. The perfect solution for you and your friends to get some passionate action. Great for intimate settings or at a party with friends. Sexy Game will randomly match you and a partner up with a sexual action to be performed on a special body part. Sexy Game comes loaded with sexual actions and body parts or you can enhance with your own. *** FEATURES *** * Same Sex play - You asked for it and now you have got it! * 2 to an orgy number of players. * Actions and Body Parts by Gender. * Password protection. * Lock spinner by Actions, Body Part or Duration. * Randomize or Alternate game play. * Hours upon hours of fun!!! For a good time, call on Sexy Game to tempt fate and make a connection with that special someone. No need to thank us. Really! It’s the least we can do! *** WERE LISTENING *** Email us with requests that you would like to see added in the next update at [email protected]. Remember to rate us * * * * *