Signal GH is a tool for users of the HDHomerun networked digital TV tuner who want to monitor and improve their Over The Air (OTA) reception quality. It graphs signal quality from multiple channels simultaneously, allowing a user to more rapidly adjust and upgrade OTA receiving hardware, i.e., cables, connections, splitters, pre-amps, and antennas. Snapshot the state of your system using the Experiments tab to keep track of what worked and what didnt work. United States users also have the benefit of a map of digital television broadcasting towers. Depends on the accuracy of your devices compass. If you dont have an HDHomerun, you dont need this product. If you do have an HDHomerun, and use it for over the air reception, you will likely find it useful. If the automatic scan does not find a station you expect, tap on the stations real digital channel in the unused channel column under Settings. Signal GH does not support QAM (digital cable) Please make sure your HDHomerun is set to use a broadcasting channel set and not a cable channel set. You cannot use this software to watch video on your iOS device. This is a diagnostic tool.