The active ingredient in most forms of liquid bleach is Sodium Hypochlorite (SH). The Batch Mix app was designed specifically for use with water and liquid bleach whose active ingredient is Sodium Hypochlorite (SH). This app will help you get approximately the desired percentage of Sodium Hypochlorite (SH) in your cleaning solution when making batches of soap (batch mixing) to be used for exterior cleaning. To determine how much bleach and water are needed in your batch mix, input how many total gallons of cleaning solution you want, what is the strength of your bleach (percentage of SH) and what is the desired strength of your cleaning solution (percentage of SH). The app will then tell approximately how many gallons of bleach is needed and how many gallons of water is needed to get approximately the desired percentage of SH in your cleaning solution. Note: The calculation does not consider surfactant. This is because in most scenarios, the impact of surfactant to your batch mix percentages is negligible. If you will be adding a significant amount of surfactant to your cleaning solution, please adjust your batch mix ratios manually.