Track the money you earn from creator or gig platforms that partner with Stripe. View your available balance, see upcoming payouts, update bank account information, and analyze cash flow. CHECK YOUR BALANCE ON THE GO Get notified about incoming payments, check your available balance in real time, and see your earnings at a glance. UPDATE ACCOUNT INFORMATION Edit your business details, change your email and phone number, and edit your bank account information. ANALYZE YOUR EARNINGS Drill down into earnings by platform to identify trends and see how much you’re making over time. ACCESS AND EDIT TAX FORMS If you work with a platform that uses Stripe for tax form delivery, you’ll be able to update and download 1099, W-8 and W-9 documents. Stripe partners with thousands of platforms such as Twitter, Medium, and DoorDash to pay out creators and gig workers. Use Stripe for your business? Try the Stripe Dashboard mobile app. Having trouble? Visit and get in touch.