Stop paying for expensive cell minutes and text messages! Stop wasting your money and time using calling cards for international calls! Instead of using your carriers network connection, you can make voice calls via a Wi-Fi network. That could mean using a Wi-Fi connection you have set up at home, or whatever Wi-Fi hotspot you happen to be on when youre out and about, such as at a cafe or library. In most ways, its like any other phone call, and you still use regular phone numbers. WiFi calling is especially useful when youre in an area with weak carrier coverage. For example, when youre traveling to the residential countryside, or youre in a building with spotty reception. You may already be familiar with using Wi-Fi to send messages when SMS texting is unavailable. Subscription options include: -Weekly Subscription for $2.99 with 3days free trial -Monthly Subscription for $8.99 with 3 days free trial -Yearly Subscription for $49.99 with 3 days free trial Privacy Policy: Terms & Condition: Support: