With the App "Training Autogeno HD" you will always have handy a guide to be able to carry out this relaxation technique. You can also perform the relaxation sequence with the help of a guided voice, very useful to learn the formulas you are going to use independently. Thanks to Autogenic Training it is possible to control anxiety and auto induce a state of general relaxation. The constancy in the use of this technique contributes to the increase of physical and sporting performances as well as to alleviating: - anxiety disorders; - somatisation disorders; - insomnia; - stress; - gastrointestinal disorders (ulcer, colitis, gastritis, constipation, diarrheas, gastroesophageal reflux); - respiratory disorders (asthma, rhinitis, bronchitis); - skin disorders (skin irritation, eczema, psoriasis); - tension headache, migraine; - cardiovascular disorders (tachycardia, hypertension); - disorders of the sexual sphere (frigidity, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, vaginismus) GUIDED LEARNING *** In addition to having handy the formulas with which to carry out the exercises autonomously, you can also choose to activate a voice guide to learn the formulas you are going to use independently. BACKGROUND MUSICAL THEMES *** During the guide learning it is possible to activate a background music theme and set a timer to switch off the background at the end of the training. MORE *** During the learning with guide voice, it is possible to carry out the exercises in sequence until the desired exercise. At the end of the sequence, you can activate or deactivate the Active Exit to allow you to correctly perform the exercises of the night for which the recovery would not be recommended.