iPage 2 is a complete rewrite of iPage in the Apple Swift 4 programming language. It maintains the same purpose as the original iPage which allows a user to send a message (page) to someones pager from their iOS mobile device such as iPhone or iPad. iPage 2 is a separate app to iPage rather than just an update. There are several features with this app including: optimization for iOS 12 and the larger screen devices, preset messages, favorites, custom SNPP servers, and importing/exporting contacts. iPage 2 does not have ads. One major difference from the original iPage is that in iPage 2 a carrier must be assigned to each individual contact. Assigning carriers can be done: 1. At the time of entering/editing a contacts information 2. At the time of sending a page 3. In bulk via Settings (Settings->Carriers->Manage) 4. Via CSV file import. The User Guide (Settings -> Documentation -> UserGuide) explains these options. DISCLAIMER: iPage 2 requires an internet connection and sends information to SNPP servers that are not in its control. Therefore, the user of iPage 2 is solely responsible for verifying that the pages sent from this app are received in a timely manner. The user will not hold iPage 2 or its developers responsible for complications that arise becasue of someone not receiving a page as desired.