Track your budget, finances and credit - all in one place and all for free. Get the insights you need to make the most of your money. View all your financial accounts on one screen for easy, holistic monitoring. Then zoom in on the details of your cash flow, expenses, credit score and net worth. Plus, get Nerd-approved tips to help you manage your finances and work toward your goals. Here’s how our FREE personal finance tracking app works: KNOW YOUR CASH FLOW - Track spending across multiple cards - Keep track of your budget with our 50/30/20 breakdown - Get detailed spending insights - Track your bills, expenses and more - Discover ways to cut back or save - Compare spending month-to-month - See your top spending categories for easier budgeting KEEP UP WITH YOUR NET WORTH - See how your income, debts, investments, and home value all add up - Follow the history of your net worth - Zoom into the details of your net worth and track individual accounts over time MONITOR & BUILD YOUR CREDIT - Access your credit score and credit report any time - Get score change notifications - Understand the factors that affect your score - Learn ways to keep building – whether it’s increasing your credit utilization or paying your bills earlier, and more SMART MOVES FOR YOUR MONEY - Quickly find and compare more rewarding credit cards, better loan rates, and higher-earning bank accounts - Join NerdWallet+ so you can earn rewards worth up to $350 for making smart financial decisions - like paying your credit card on time.