With My Verizon for Business, information and control are at your fingertips. Make changes easily to your plans, activate new devices or features, manage One Talk and gather critical data metrics to help improve your operations. Quickly get to where you want to go by using the new navigation bar at the bottom of the screen. Here you’ll find many of the same functions that you see on our website. My Verizon for Business allows you to: • Access One Talk features such as creating or managing team schedules. • Upgrade/purchase new devices or accessories. • Set up auto-pay and manage settings. • Manage data alerts to keep track of your usage. • Review and pay your bill quickly. To review the Terms and Conditions for this app, visit https://mb.verizonwireless.com/content/my-business-portal/Home_Template/terms-conditions.html Download My Verizon for Business today and manage your work on the go